I get something weird. With a firend of mine, we've created this website : https://www.matosmaison.fr . On some computers with different ISP, a lot of times, the website and the name resolution is done well.
But sometimes, crawling tools and by ourselves, we meet the error dns_probe_finished_domainnx. Do you have any idea about what happens ?
On DownForEveryOneOrJustMe, it says it's ok, but we can reproduce it easily. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/matosmaison.fr
Here is our DNS mapping :
matosmaison.fr. 0 NS dns200.anycast.me.
matosmaison.fr. 0 NS ns200.anycast.me.
matosmaison.fr. 0 MX 1 redirect.ovh.net.
matosmaison.fr. 0 CNAME www.matosmaison.fr.herokudns.com.
www.matosmaison.fr. 0 CNAME www.matosmaison.fr.herokudns.com.
Thanks in advance for all suggestions and help !
Ok, I found the "solution". OVH is currently working on a maintenance problem on their servers. So it's "normal".
Here I can track the evolution of maintenance : http://travaux.ovh.net/?do=details&id=21665