I'm trying to draw to a NSView
from a background operation, but don't see any effect.
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.addOperation() {
starts the background operation, which is doing lots of calculations. In the AppDelegate I have
@IBOutlet weak var image: NSImageView! // some image to show
@IBOutlet weak var number: NSTextField! // a corresponding number
@IBOutlet weak var mainView: NSView! // the main view holding the above
The assignment
number.intValue = Int32(someNumber)
is issued from the background operation regularly (often). But the text does never change. I have set the "can draw concurrently" in IB for the view as well as for the TextField. I also tried
if mainView.lockFocusIfCanDraw() {
after the text field assignment. Also to no avail.
Typically these problems go away if you send your view updating code back to the main queue from within your background task:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// your view update code
If there's not too many place inside your doTheBackgroundStuff
you could just sprinkle those in for view updates, i.e. whenever you access your mainView
Otherwise it helps to re-group things into parts that do non-UI heavy lifting and then push the view updates to Dispatch.main.async
at the end.