Consider me to be an undergraduate student doing a routine research study.
Is there a simple, straight forward way to find and access (or implement) distribution fitting in R using the following estimates:
I got my self lost in tons of documentation and reference manuals on various R packages.
The question more relates to using R software system than to statistics itself, that's why I asked it here, at SO.
# normally distributed sample
x1 = rnorm(100)
# Kolmogorov-Smirnov mimimum distance method
fitdist(x1, "mge", distr="norm", gof="KS")
# Cramer-von Mises
fitdist(x1, "mge", distr="norm", gof="CvM")
# Anderson-Darling
fitdist(x1, "mge", distr="norm", gof="AD")
# Maximum Likelihood estimate
fitdist(x1, "mle", distr="norm")
Things are appeared to be pretty straight forward.