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Facebook Audience Network - (#606) Application is rejected

I am implementing Facebook Ads in my app. I included the SDK via Gradle and

compile ''

I then do

final InterstitialAd interstitial = new InterstitialAd(ctx, channel);

interstitial.setAdListener(new InterstitialAdListener() {

    public void onError(Ad arg0, AdError arg1) {
        Log.e("Ads Facebook Error",arg1.getErrorMessage());

    public void onAdLoaded(Ad arg0) {

    public void onAdClicked(Ad arg0) {}

    public void onInterstitialDisplayed(Ad arg0) {

    public void onInterstitialDismissed(Ad arg0) {


Manifest has :

    android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" />

As a result, I don't get any ads and the listener returns in onError with the message

Ads Facebook Error: Channel : 186801684845556_309815189210871 / Error : (#606) Application is rejected

Why is the application rejected now when it worked until recently? Do I have to setup something else with Facebook? Can't remember I had to do that last time.


  • i this your Interstitial Ad id is not still live that's why the error is come. just check app id is live or not in your facebook developer audience network

    You just wait for the your app purchase id for live.