I use some class. That's constructor needs some file path that contains some files.
Komoran komoran = new Komoran("D:\program_project\lib");
Now I'm making android app. so I can't use absolute path (Because other people who download my app don't have that folder and files)
so I decide to use 'assets' folder that is maybe in APK file. So, final code is like below.
Komoran komoran = new Komoran("file:///android_asset");
but It seems like folder path is wrong(this class doesn't work). What I did wrong ?
This "file:///android_asset"
path is used for applications which uses webview ex. cordova/phonegap. As it is part of resources because when Apk is created you can not use this path to access your assets folder. You have to work with context.getResources().getAssets().open("fileName")
this code only.