I am developing a 2d windows application using openTK and c#. i am using gamewindow class.
class myWindow : GameWindow
is there any way to implement a vertical scroll bar for this window?? Thank You
Make your-very-own Scrollbar
widget. Draw it in 2D using OpenGL:
DrawVerticalScrollBar(scrollbar_x, scrollbar_y,
scrollbar_width, scrollbar_height,
vertical_scroll, min_value, max_value); //pseudocode
Then later draw the contents of the "scroll-bar" view:
GL.Scissor(view_start_x, view_start_y, view_end_x, view_end_y);
// Assume matrix mode is modelview
GL.Translate(0, -vertical_scroll, 0);
// Draw the graphics affected by scrollbar
// Draw rest of the 2d graphics
If you don't want to clip contents of the view, you can remove the ScissorTest
and GL.Scissor