Search code examples

Mongoose.js findOne returning query metadata

I am attemping to run a mongoose.findOne on my data base but I get unexpected results.My query is

const User = mongoose.model('User', {name: String, email: String, passwordHash: String, validation: String, validationCode: String, favorites: Array })

exports.findUser = function findUser(email){

    const foundUser = User.findOne({email: email}, function(err, userObj){
            return err
        }       else if (userObj){
            return userObj
        }       else{
            return null

    return foundUser

however this returns the following data (seemingly random?) and has none of the data that I requested

Query {
  _mongooseOptions: {},
   NativeCollection {
     collection: null,
     opts: { bufferCommands: true, capped: false },
     name: 'users',
     collectionName: 'users',
      NativeConnection {
        base: [Object],
        collections: [Object],
        models: [Object],
        config: [Object],
        replica: false,
        hosts: null,
        host: '',
        port: 13938,
        user: 'root',
        pass: 'root',
        name: 'users',
        options: [Object],
        otherDbs: [],
        _readyState: 2,
        _closeCalled: false,
        _hasOpened: false,
        _listening: false,
        db: [Object] },
     queue: [],
     buffer: true,
      EventEmitter {
        domain: null,
        _events: {},
        _eventsCount: 0,
        _maxListeners: undefined } },
   { [Function: model]
     hooks: Kareem { _pres: {}, _posts: {} },
      Mongoose {
        connections: [Object],
        plugins: [],
        models: [Object],
        modelSchemas: [Object],
        options: [Object] },
     modelName: 'User',
     model: [Function: model],
      NativeConnection {
        base: [Object],
        collections: [Object],
        models: [Object],
        config: [Object],
        replica: false,
        hosts: null,
        host: '',
        port: 13938,
        user: 'root',
        pass: 'root',
        name: 'users',
        options: [Object],
        otherDbs: [],
        _readyState: 2,
        _closeCalled: false,
        _hasOpened: false,
        _listening: false,
        db: [Object] },
     discriminators: undefined,
      Schema {
        obj: [Object],
        paths: [Object],
        subpaths: {},
        virtuals: [Object],
        singleNestedPaths: {},
        nested: {},
        inherits: {},
        callQueue: [Object],
        _indexes: [],
        methods: {},
        statics: {},
        tree: [Object],
        _requiredpaths: undefined,
        discriminatorMapping: undefined,
        _indexedpaths: undefined,
        query: {},
        childSchemas: [],
        s: [Object],
        options: [Object],
        '$globalPluginsApplied': true },
      NativeCollection {
        collection: null,
        opts: [Object],
        name: 'users',
        collectionName: 'users',
        conn: [Object],
        queue: [],
        buffer: true,
        emitter: [Object] },
     Query: { [Function] base: [Object] },
     '$__insertMany': [Function],
     insertMany: [Function] },
   Schema {
      { name: [Function: String],
        email: [Function: String],
        passwordHash: [Function: String],
        validation: [Function: String],
        validationCode: [Function: String],
        favorites: [Function: Array] },
      { name: [Object],
        email: [Object],
        passwordHash: [Object],
        validation: [Object],
        validationCode: [Object],
        favorites: [Object],
        _id: [Object],
        __v: [Object] },
     subpaths: {},
     virtuals: { id: [Object] },
     singleNestedPaths: {},
     nested: {},
     inherits: {},
     callQueue: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
     _indexes: [],
     methods: {},
     statics: {},
      { name: [Function: String],
        email: [Function: String],
        passwordHash: [Function: String],
        validation: [Function: String],
        validationCode: [Function: String],
        favorites: [Function: Array],
        _id: [Object],
        id: [Object],
        __v: [Function: Number] },
     _requiredpaths: undefined,
     discriminatorMapping: undefined,
     _indexedpaths: undefined,
     query: {},
     childSchemas: [],
     s: { hooks: [Object], kareemHooks: [Object] },
      { retainKeyOrder: false,
        typeKey: 'type',
        id: true,
        noVirtualId: false,
        _id: true,
        noId: false,
        validateBeforeSave: true,
        read: null,
        shardKey: null,
        autoIndex: null,
        minimize: true,
        discriminatorKey: '__t',
        versionKey: '__v',
        capped: false,
        bufferCommands: true,
        strict: true,
        pluralization: true },
     '$globalPluginsApplied': true },
  op: 'findOne',
  options: { retainKeyOrder: false },
  _conditions: { email: '' },
  _fields: undefined,
  _update: undefined,
  _path: undefined,
  _distinct: undefined,
   NodeCollection {
      NativeCollection {
        collection: null,
        opts: [Object],
        name: 'users',
        collectionName: 'users',
        conn: [Object],
        queue: [],
        buffer: true,
        emitter: [Object] },
     collectionName: 'users' },
  _traceFunction: undefined,
  _castError: null,
  _count: [Function],
  _execUpdate: [Function],
  _find: [Function],
  _findOne: [Function],
  _findOneAndRemove: [Function],
  _findOneAndUpdate: [Function] }

I was wondering how to fix this, this seems to be an overview of the query that I am attempting to run and not the results of said query


  • Try this:

    const User = mongoose.model('User', {name: String, email: String, passwordHash: String, validation: String, validationCode: String, favorites: Array })
    exports.findUser = function findUser(email, callback){
        User.findOne({email: email}, function(err, userObj){
                return callback(err);
            } else if (userObj){
                return callback(null,userObj);
            } else {
                return callback();

    When you execute User.findOne, the mongoose calls the mongodb and return your user in the callback (last param in your findOne function) so can return the found user calling the callback.

    To call the findUser function, you needs to pass a callback, something like this:

    findUser('', function(error, userFound) {

    You can find more details about Mongoose findOne here and to learn about callback functions you can take a look here