I have a few arrays of strings in my settings labelled meas1, meas2, meas3 etc...
If I want to set the 6th item in each string collection to "", how would I do that? Below is my broken code of failed attempt:
for (int i = 19; i >= 0; i--)
Properties.Settings.Default["meas" + i][5] = "";
I know I could do Properties.Settings.Default.meas1[5] = "";
but I want I have a lot of meas that I need to do so a for loop would be preferred.
Maybe passing the item name and casting result to StringCollection
would help:
for (int i = 19; i >= 0; i--)
var prop = Properties.Settings.Default["meas" + i] as StringCollection;
prop[5] = "";
You need to replace as string[]
with your exact data type. But the above solves your issue of accessing the item by name.