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Use outcome of SQL query as value for variable

I have a query that extracts performance measurements of a number of APIs and those I want to save over time to different files in one folder. Say every hour one run and one output file.

The Invantive scripting statement

local export results as "${exportfilename}" format xml

Can do this when you have exportfilename correctly set up.

With Oracle SQL*Plus you can memorize the outcome of a query in a variable with the column ... new_value syntax.

How can I set exportfile using the outcome of an Invantive SQL query?


  • Solution was to use the ${outcome:row,column} syntax as in:

    local define outfolder "c:\temp"
    select sdy3.value || '-' || lpad(year(sysdate), 4, '0') || lpad(month(sysdate), 2, '0') || lpad(day(sysdate), 2, '0') || lpad(hour(sysdate), 2, '0') || lpad(minute(sysdate), 2, '0') ||'.xml' file_name
    from   exactonlinerest..systemdatacontainerproperties sdy1
    join   exactonlinerest..systemdatacontainerproperties sdy2
    on     sdy2.data_container_alias = 'default'
    and = 'provider-description'
    join   exactonlinerest..systemdatacontainerproperties sdy3
    on     sdy3.data_container_alias = 'default'
    and = 'provider-short-name'
    where  sdy1.data_container_alias = 'default'
    and = 'data-container-id'
    local define exportfilename "${outfolder}\${outcome:0,0}"
    <<< Run actual SQL>>>
    local export results as "${exportfilename}" format xml

    The ${outcome:...,...} syntax puts the string representation of the respective row number (0..max) and column number (0..max) as a value into the indicated variable name.