I've just created a user called ugestion (I'm logged as SYSTEM). How can I allow him to manage my table tblinstituciones? I just want him to have control over that specific table. Which is the proper command? Nothing seems to work, and I don't want to put "GRANT ALTER ANY TABLE TO ugestion" because I just want him to be able to manage only that specific one. Do I need to give the user some special privilege before executing that command? And, what command should I execute? I've executed some commands before like, for instance "GRANT ALTER TABLE ON tblinstituciones TO ugestion ; " but it didn't work. I'm starting with oracle, sqlplus.
When logged in as SYSTEM, issue the following command:
That will get rid of the table you created in the SYSTEM schema. As others have mentioned, you should not create tables or other objects in the SYSTEM or SYS schemas.
Log off of the SYSTEM account.
Log in as the UGESTION user.
(put all your field definitions here);
replacing "put all your field definitions here" with the definitions of whatever fields you need to create in this table. The statement above will not work until you do this.
Best of luck.