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JAVA return value from constructor

public class RightAngleTriangle
    int height;
    int width;
    double area;
    double perimeter;

    public RightAngleTriangle()
        height = 1;
        width = 1;

    public RightAngleTriangle(int hei, int wid)
        if(hei > 0 && wid > 0)
            height = hei;
            width = wid;
            height = 1;
            width = 1;

    public double area()
        area = height * width;
        return area;

    public double perimeter()
        perimeter = (height * 2) + (width * 2);
        return perimeter;

    public boolean isIsosceles()
        if(height == width)
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean largerThan(RightAngleTriangle anotherRightAngleTriangle)
        if (area(RightAngleTriangle) > area(anotherRightAngleTriangle))



For the method largerThan() how can I make it so largerThan() returns true if and only if the area of this RightAngleTriangle is larger than the area of anotherRightAngleTriangle. I am not sure how to compare the areas because the area is calculated locally. I tried initializing area globally but I need the returned value not the initialized value.


  • Just as a comment largerThan() is not a constructor, is a method

    now to your question

    you need to call the method in the current instance and in the object passed as parameter

    public boolean largerThan(RightAngleTriangle anotherRightAngleTriangle)
        if (this.area() > anotherRightAngleTriangle.area( ))
             //your logic

    or simple doing

    public boolean largerThan(RightAngleTriangle anotherRightAngleTriangle)
       return this.area() > anotherRightAngleTriangle.area();