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How to create an identity server for users without consent page?

We have an internal application for internal users which I need to protect using OAuth2/OIDC and thinking of using IdentityServer4. The end users will not be authorizing any applications so there shouldn't be any consent page. I couldn't find any suitable samples, they either are MVC client samples with consent pages or console application clients for Resource Owner Password flows.

Only thing I got is that I need to implement IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator in IDSRV application. That part is I'm OK with. But I couldn't figure out how to setup IDSRV app and MVC app in their Startups.

What do I need to do to protect an .NET Core ASP.NET MVC app with IdentityServer4 using Resource Owner Password flow?

I'd appreciate any help.


I've ended up using Hybrid flow with manuel user login instead of Resource Owner Password flow. Here's the working solution I've created:


  • In the Client definition add the following

    RequireConsent = false,