In laravel/dingo you may create new objects by POSTing the data either as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
or as application/json
$ curl -XPOST --data name=foo
$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"name":"foo"}'
Both work fine.
What I now want to do is creating objects with nested properties, e.g. name.first
. This works fine when POSTing JSON:
$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"name":{"first:"foo"}}'
But it fails when using form-encoded data:
$ curl -XPOST --data name.first=foo
The exception is The name.first field is required
I know that PHP converts dots to underscores:
PHP will automatically replace any dots in incoming variable names with underscores.
This might be the reason laravel does not detect the variables as being nested.
How can I make laravel detect the dot paths in variable names correctly?
Please use
$ curl -XPOST --data name%5Bfirst%5D=foo
which is equal to name['first'] = foo