After a lot of searching on the internet without any success, I'm looking here for some help.
The problem seems to be quiet simple, but unfortunately I'm not able to solve it.
I want to change the default-application to open .txt-files. For example instead of using notepad I want to use Wordpad which is located at C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe
So I've tried to change the registry at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.txt\OpenWithProgids
with no success.
I've also found a solution which tries to change the group policy. This code looks like:
string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
string xmlFile = tempFile.Replace(".tmp", ".xml");
File.Move(tempFile, xmlFile);
XDocument document = new XDocument(new XElement("DefaultAssociations",
new XElement("Association",
new XAttribute("Identifier", ".txt"),
new XAttribute("ProgId", "txtFile"),
new XAttribute("ApplicationName", "Editor"))));
xmlFile, RegistryValueKind.String);
But this also doesn't work.
I also tried to use the command-line with ftype
but that also didn't work.
Can anybody tell me how to change the assoziated application for a given filetype?
I guess you want to this because you have some kind of Set as default
option in your program, by the way I have spent the last hour trying to figure out why it doesn't work and here it is what I've found so far.
The step you need to take are the following:
(Period is important)Code:
Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".custom").SetValue("", "customfile", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);`
Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("Customfile\shell\open\command").SetValue("", PATH_TO_YOUR_EXE, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);
And now the association has been made, your app will be registered as one of those which can open that extention.
After messing a little bit around i found out that in order to do changes to an already associated extention you also need to edit the registry
Example (with .txt ext.)
This key has an ProgId
value which actually contains the default application set by the user, the value is a string
. So you will also have do edit/delete this Registry as well.
I hope it helps :)!