My goal is to use rules generated by the R package arules
to predict the topic
of each transaction (each transaction has 1 topic), where each transaction is the set of words in a document. I have a training set trans.train
(used to create the rules), and test set trans.test
(which I want to predict the "topic" of). I also would like to be able to test these predictions (the percentage of times the right hand side of the rule is the correct topic).
I am able to ensure that the right hand side of each rule is a topic (like topic=earn) and the left hand side is any other word in the document. So all of my rules have the form:
{word1,...,wordN} -> {topic=topic1}
I have sorted the rules and want to apply them to trans.test
so that the rule with the highest confidence predicts the right hand side, but I can't figure out how to do this based on the documentation.
Are there any ideas on how I might implement this? I have seen the arulesCBA
package, but it implements a more complex algorithm whereas I only want to use the highest confidence rule as my predictor of the topic
Code that generates the transactions:
#load data into R
filename = "C:/Users/sterl_000/Desktop/lab2file.csv"
data = read.csv(filename,header=TRUE,sep="\t")
#Get the number of columns in the matrix
col = dim(data)[2]
#Turn into logical matrix
#define % of training and test set
train_pct = 0.8
bound <- floor((nrow(data)*train_pct))
#randomly permute rows
data <- data[sample(nrow(data)), ]
#get training data
data.train <- data[1:bound, ]
#get test data
data.test <- data[(bound+1):nrow(data),]
#Turn into transaction format
trans.train = as(data.train,"transactions")
trans.test = as(data.test,"transactions")
#Create list of unique topics in 'topic=earn' format
#Allows us to specify only the topic label as the right hand side
uni_topics = paste0('topic=',unique(data[,1]))
#Get assocation rules
rules = apriori(trans.train,
parameter=list(support = 0.02,target= "rules", confidence = 0.5),
appearance = list(rhs = uni_topics,default='lhs'))
#Sort association rules by confidence
rules = sort(rules,by="confidence")
#Predict the right hand side, topic= in trans.train based on the sorted rules
An example transaction:
> inspect(trans.train[3])
items transactionID
[1] {topic=coffee,
consid} 8760
An example rule:
> inspect(rules[1])
lhs rhs support confidence lift
[1] {qtli} => {topic=earn} 0.03761135 1 2.871171
I doubt that association rules for words and a simple confidence measure are ideal for predicting document topics.
That being said, try using the is.subset
function. I can't reproduce your example without the .csv file, but the following code should give you your predicted topic for trans.train[3]
based on the highest confidence.
# sort rules by conf (you already did that but for the sake of completeness)
rules<-sort(rules, decreasing=TRUE, by="confidence")
# find all rules whose lhs matches the training example
rulesMatch <- is.subset(rules@lhs,trans.train[3])
# subset all applicable rules
applicable <- rules[rulesMatch==TRUE]
# the first rule has the highest confidence since they are sorted
prediction <- applicable[1]