I'm trying to mapping and scaffolding many-to-many relation with Spring Roo.
For example, I have two column: Product and Order with the many-to-many relationship.
So I need to create an intermediate table such as ProductOrder, with some extra column, for example, OrderDate.
So my mapping class will look like this:
@RooJpaActiveRecord(identifierType = **ProductOrderId**.class)
public class ProductOrder {
private Date OrderDate;
The ProductOrderId class will look like this:
public final class ProductOrderId implements Serializable {
private Product product_id;
private Order order_id;
After that, I ran this command in Roo Shell to scaffolding views:
web mvc scaffold --class ...
But the scaffolded views just show two text fields for Order Id and Product Id, it should show a Combobox which I can select and it cannot insert to the database.
I've searched for a while on the internet, but seem likes there is no solution.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
I suggest you use the new Spring Roo 2.0.0.M3, it solves a lot of problems related to entity relationships.
In your case, now the Select2 component is used to select the related entity.
Visit the project page at http://projects.spring.io/spring-roo/ to download it.
Note that a Milestone version generate artifacts that could change in newer versions, but it could affect your project or not depending on your needs.
May the Force be with you.