I have a code that looks something like this:
d_frame<-reactive(unique(as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", sapply(1:(length(intarr())),
FUN = function(i) c(substr(readlinesop()
[intarr()[i]+1],17,26),substr(readlinesop()[intarr()[i]+2],17,26)), simplify = FALSE)))))
colnames(d_frame) <- c("Sand", "Water")
subset_dataset <-eventReactive(input$go, {d<-bv()})
The first line which has the output d_frame creates a data frame. When I try to change the column name of this it throws an error :
So, I tried to find the number of columns in the d_frame using ncol as mentioned above which returned 2. But, I don't know what's causing the error. Can you please help me with this?
Try something like this. Note that the d_frame()
is a reactive function. In your calculations you will use d_frame2()
d <- NULL
d_frame <-
"rbind", sapply(
FUN = function(i)
[intarr()[i] +
1], 17, 26), substr(readlinesop()[intarr()[i] + 2], 17, 26)),
simplify = FALSE
bv <- reactive(ncol(d_frame()))
d_frame2 <- reactive({
testdata <- d_frame()
colnames(testdata) <- c("Sand", "Water")
subset_dataset <- eventReactive(input$go, {
d <<- bv()