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Lookup Table in C with Ranges

I have a table to calculate temperature based on a range of ADC (analogue-digital converter) counts that I need to implement in C. I'm not sure how to go about doing so since it won't be an exact value, it will be in an overlapping range.

The code will take in an ADC integer value (columns 2-4 meaning ADC low, ADC center, and ADC high respectively) read from a sensor and spit out the temperature (column 1). These values came from a document which I converted from resistance to voltage to ADC. The ADC value will be a whole number and it needs to be the best fit within the range, which I assume would mean closest to the center value. It doesn't need to be super exact since it's a pretty stable value (usually between 370-350 aka 25-26C) and it will be used to determine overheating (41C).

Here's an example of a few cells of the table:

Temperature  | ADC Low     |  ADC Center |  ADC High
          25 | 362.1804923 | 372.3636364 | 382.4913871
          26 | 349.9452011 | 359.9395371 | 369.8908548
          27 | 338.1432261 | 347.9502029 | 357.7197732
          28 | 326.7557813 | 336.3737597 | 345.9668118
          29 | 315.7666703 | 325.2012277 | 334.6164426
          30 | 305.1694416 | 314.4195099 | 323.6592884
          31 | 294.9747625 | 304.0429113 | 313.1063265

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Here's some workable code. It assumes the mapping table is built-in; if you need to read it dynamically, that requires some revised code but isn't otherwise a fundamental problem.

    As outlined in a comment, the code determines an integer ADC value for each temperature such that if the value is greater than the limit, the temperature is the given value, using linear interpolation between the ADC central value entries in the raw ADC data table. The search for the relevant temperature is a simple linear search. You could use a binary search if you wanted, or create a table for plausible ADC values and map each ADC value to a temperature (uses more space, but gives the fastest lookup). But for a range of 25-41ºC, it is barely worth worrying about the performance of the linear search unless you can demonstrate that it is a dramatic bottleneck, especially as the normal search will only need to look at 2 or 3 entries at the beginning of the list (so the normal linear search might well out-perform binary search!).

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    struct raw_adc
        int temp;
        double adc_lo;
        double adc_mid;
        double adc_hi;
    /* Assumed sorted in order of increasing temperature */
    /* Assumed monotonic in order of adc_mid values in sorted order */
    /* Assumed lower temperature has higher adc_mid value */
    /* Assumed ADC readings always positive (0 used as dummy) */
    /* Assume contiguous series of temperatures */
    static struct raw_adc raw_adc_data[] =
        { 25, 362.1804923, 372.3636364, 382.4913871 },
        { 26, 349.9452011, 359.9395371, 369.8908548 },
        { 27, 338.1432261, 347.9502029, 357.7197732 },
        { 28, 326.7557813, 336.3737597, 345.9668118 },
        { 29, 315.7666703, 325.2012277, 334.6164426 },
        { 30, 305.1694416, 314.4195099, 323.6592884 },
        { 31, 294.9747625, 304.0429113, 313.1063265 },
    enum { NUM_RAW_ADC = sizeof(raw_adc_data) / sizeof(raw_adc_data[0]) };
    struct map_adc
        int temp;
        int adc_value;
    static struct map_adc adc_map[NUM_RAW_ADC];
    static void map_raw_adc_values(void)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_RAW_ADC - 1; i++)
            adc_map[i].temp = raw_adc_data[i].temp;
            /* Optionally add 0.5 before assigning */
            adc_map[i].adc_value = (raw_adc_data[i].adc_mid + raw_adc_data[i+1].adc_mid) / 2;
        /* Last value is deemed to be hotter than the last recorded value */
        adc_map[i].temp = adc_map[i-1].temp + 1;
        adc_map[i].adc_value = 0;
    static int temp_from_adc(int adc_value)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_RAW_ADC; i++)
            /* Use of > determined by inspection of data - colder temps have higher ADC value */
            if (adc_value > adc_map[i].adc_value)
                return adc_map[i].temp;
        assert(0);      /* Can't happen! */
        return 300;     /* If it gets here, the machine is too hot! */
    static void dump_adc_map(void)
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RAW_ADC; i++)
            assert(raw_adc_data[i].temp == adc_map[i].temp);
            printf("T = %.3dºC ADC = (%6.2f:%6.2f:%6.2f) Limit = %d\n",
                    raw_adc_data[i].temp, raw_adc_data[i].adc_lo,
                    raw_adc_data[i].adc_mid, raw_adc_data[i].adc_hi,
    int main(void)
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            /* Range of ADC values in table is 294-382 */
            /* Generate random value in that range */
            int adc_rdg = rand() % (382 - 294) + 294;
            printf("ADC: %d = %d ºC\n", adc_rdg, temp_from_adc(adc_rdg));
        return 0;

    Example run:

    T = 025ºC ADC = (362.18:372.36:382.49) Limit = 366
    T = 026ºC ADC = (349.95:359.94:369.89) Limit = 353
    T = 027ºC ADC = (338.14:347.95:357.72) Limit = 342
    T = 028ºC ADC = (326.76:336.37:345.97) Limit = 330
    T = 029ºC ADC = (315.77:325.20:334.62) Limit = 319
    T = 030ºC ADC = (305.17:314.42:323.66) Limit = 309
    T = 031ºC ADC = (294.97:304.04:313.11) Limit = 0
    ADC: 298 = 31 ºC
    ADC: 358 = 26 ºC
    ADC: 343 = 27 ºC
    ADC: 315 = 30 ºC
    ADC: 358 = 26 ºC
    ADC: 352 = 27 ºC
    ADC: 374 = 25 ºC
    ADC: 322 = 29 ºC
    ADC: 372 = 25 ºC
    ADC: 376 = 25 ºC
    ADC: 333 = 28 ºC
    ADC: 334 = 28 ºC
    ADC: 356 = 26 ºC
    ADC: 307 = 31 ºC
    ADC: 304 = 31 ºC
    ADC: 305 = 31 ºC
    ADC: 324 = 29 ºC
    ADC: 358 = 26 ºC
    ADC: 324 = 29 ºC
    ADC: 322 = 29 ºC