I have register EventBus
on both Activity (BaseActivity)
and Fragment (BaseFragment)
. So, I catch event with:
In BaseActivity
, and BaseFragment
I have same code:
public void onEvent(Object object) {
// do nothing
In my child fragment (A)
from BaseFragment
, I have a event for it XYZEvent
, and I expected that this method is called:
public void onEvent(XYZEvent event) {
// my logic, not called :(
But it did not. I have debugged, both onEvent in BaseActivity
and BaseFragment
are called.
So, I changed my fragment (A)
like below:
public void onEvent(Object event) {
if(event instanceof XYZEvent) {
// my logic
// after changed this block code is called (~_~), why???
It's called.
So, I want to know what am I missed when onEvent(XYZEvent event)
not fired? but onEvent(Object event)
did. Seem returned event has wrong casting, my XYZEvent
was casted to Object
P/S: I used this library compile 'de.greenrobot:eventbus:2.4.0'
and XYZEvent contains an Serializable
Ok, this is my mistake. I have a onEvent method in service, it already steal my XYZEvent.