I'm not sure if this title is the correct title for this question. My problem is.. a have a form, which need to be fill in by copy & paste from a document.
The following is my code:
// length of rrnNo = 12 character, could be append with spaces and start with spaces as well
$RRN = $this->input->post('rrnNo');
// do some search using $RRN
$checkRRN = strpos($text, $RRN)
if ($checkRRN !== FALSE)
print $text;
I hit a bug whereby, when the user copy and paste whole 12 digit, no search results display. But when they copy and paste the last 9 digit, they manage to get the results. So what I did was..
// length of rrnNo = 12 character, could be append with spaces and start with spaces as well
$RRN = $this->input->post('rrnNo');
// get last 9 digits
$shortRRN = substr($rrn,-9);
// do some search using shortRRN
$checkRRN = strpos($text, $shortRRN)
if ($checkRRN !== FALSE)
print $text;
But still doesn't work with 12 digits. They still need to paste data with 9 digits to get the results. Appreciate your advice/opinion. Thanks
Use this code
$RRN = trim($this->input->post('rrnNo',true));
//trim the string to remove spaces before and after, and the second parameter is for xss handling (security)
if (strpos(trim($text), $RRN) )
print $text;
Also, if you want to make sure that the user provides exactly 12 characters, load the form-validation
library and do a quick validation like this.
$this->form_validation->set_rules('rrnNo',"RNN number",'trim|required|min_length[12]|max_length[12]');
if ($this->form_validation->run()){
//write your code in here