I'm trying to crop an image into a bunch of 256x256 tiles (with the right-most and bottom-most images less than 256 pixels due to the remainders), but ImageMagick always generates images that are 1x1.
I use this command (Windows 7 command prompt):
convert WBS.png -crop 256x256 +repage +adjoin output\WBS_%02d.jpg
After cropping the following message is displayed:
convert: geometry does not contain image `WBS.png' @ warning/transform.c/CropImage/589.
After cropping, the output folder contains 1634 jpg files, all of which are 1 x 1 pixel. The source image is 7218x7650.
Suggestions? I'm sure I'm making some blatant mistake, but I don't know what it is.
This can happen if the origin of the image is not at 0,0. In that case, using +repage
before processing the image should do the trick, i.e.
convert WBS.png +repage -crop 256x256 +repage +adjoin output\WBS_%02d.jpg
See also the documentation of the -crop