Please assume #headerNames#
has the value of Apple Orange Pear
How do I make this be considered as a list?
I tried this:
<cfset headerList = "">
<cfset headerList = ListAppend(headerList,"#headerNames#",",")>
But this doesn't work. So how do I store the values of #headerNames#
as a list?
PS: the reason why I asked to assume #headerNames#
is because the values come from reading an excel file, thus, a lot of unrelated codes to this question. But if those are needed, please let me know and I will edit / update the question.
You don't actually have to change anything for this to be considered a list. ColdFusion recognizes a space
as a valid delimiter:
<cfset headerNames = "Apple Orange Pear">
<cfloop list="#headerNames#" delimiters=" " index="i">
#i#<br />
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