I have a inky foundation template. Here is the neccessary snippet:
<button class="large expand" href="#">Activate account</button>
I need to replace the 'href' attribute with a 'th:href' attribute, but when I do this foundation builds a html page without the th:href tag.
I'm looking for a way to change the href-link with thymleaf.
Note: I'm using the foundation-email stack.
You can teach Inky how to handle custom attributes, in this case one called th:href.
In your node-modules folder open inky/lib/componentFactory.js . Look for the button component and you'll find something like this:
// <button>
case this.components.button:
var expander = '';
// Prepare optional target attribute for the <a> element
var target = '';
if (element.attr('target')) {
target = ' target=' + element.attr('target');
// If we have the href attribute we can create an anchor for the inner of the button;
if (element.attr('href')) {
inner = format('<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', element.attr('href'), target, inner);
// If the button is expanded, it needs a <center> tag around the content
if (element.hasClass('expand') || element.hasClass('expanded')) {
inner = format('<center>%s</center>', inner);
expander = '\n<td class="expander"></td>';
// The .button class is always there, along with any others on the <button> element
var classes = ['button'];
if (element.attr('class')) {
classes = classes.concat(element.attr('class').split(' '));
return format('<table class="%s"><tr><td><table><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table></td>%s</tr></table>', classes.join(' '), inner, expander);
Add the following block of code:
// If we have the th:href attribute we can create an anchor for the inner of the button;
if (element.attr('th:href')) {
inner = format('<a th:href="%s"%s>%s</a>', element.attr('th:href'), target, inner);
Hope it works!