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File 'cenas2.prg' does not exist

i've been trying to do this for a while but i can't figure out how. I want to call a procedure from an external .prg file to another .prg.

So, for that, i do:

SET PROCEDURE TO cenas2.prg Additive \\ cenas2.prg is the filename with the procedure called myproc inside
Do myproc

My problem is , when i run it i get the error : File 'cenas2.prg' does not exist.

So, i ran the following code:

WAIT WINDOW 'Path: ' + SET('PATH') + CHR(13)+CHR(10) + 'Default drive: ' + SET('Default') + CHR(13)+CHR(10) + 'Current directory: ' + CURDIR()

And i got :

Path :

Default Drive C:

Current Directory: \PHC20CRP\

cenas2.prg is located inside PHC20CRP , and when i run file("cenas2.prg") it returns me true , so i don't think it makes any sense to return me file does not exist when i try to set procedure. Can anyone help me??



  • Already discoveres the problem. I had to force a parameter inside the procedure so otherwise it wouldn't execute. Thanks for all your help!