to declare a function prototype we declare it outside and on the top which means right before the function definition.
1- I wonder why c++ allows declaring prototypes scoped
inside the body of other functions' definitions?
2- How to call a function whose prototype being inside another function's body?
here is an example:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void Bar()
cout << "Bar..." << endl;
void Baz();
int main()
void Foo();
Baz(); // how to call this function?
return 0;
void Foo()
cout << "Foo..." << endl;
void Baz()
cout << "Baz..." << endl;
A function prototype inside one function isn't visible inside another, so the code you've written here won't work. However, there's nothing stopping you from providing another function prototype inside of main
int main()
void Foo();
void Baz();
return 0;
That having been said, it's pretty unusual to write code like this - if you mean to prototype the function, just do so at global scope. It's rare to see function prototypes defined inside of individual functions and is almost always a mistake or extremely poor coding style.
C++ allows this for two reasons:
Backwards compatibility. This is legal C code, and historically C++ tried to maintain compatibility with C whenever possible. (There's a lot of legal C code that won't compile in C++, so this isn't a hard-and-fast rule, but it's a good guiding philosophy.)
The "Why Not?" principle. Function prototypes are really just declarations of functions. C++ lets you declare all sorts of objects at different points in time. Allowing function declarations like this inside of a function follows as a special case of allowing for declarations, so explicitly disallowing it would require extra verbage in the spec and potentially might hurt someone in a really bizarre case down the line.
Arguably, this was a bad decision, because it leads to C++'s Most Vexing Parse. The following line of code, for example, is interpreted as a function prototype:
std::vector<int> x(); // Oops - it's a function prototype!
Even worse is something like this:
std::istream input;
std::vector<int> x(istream_iterator<int>(input), istream_iterator<int>()); // Oops - it's a function prototype!
This was addressed by adding in the new brace initialization syntax:
std::vector<int> x{}; // Okay, a vector.
std::vector<int> x{istream_iterator<int>{input}, istream_iterator<int>{}}; // Sure, that's fine too.