I am new to media streaming, just started learning about adaptive streaming. I have few queries, please clarify -
Does MSE support only DASH streaming, I mean if any website using DASH and my browser supports MSE with DASH, it will play. But if a website uses HLS, then my browser is not playing video content although it has MSE. Is it because MSE does not support HLS, or my browser MSE does not have implementation of HLS?
If I inspect a webpage playing video stream, I checked many sites uses video tag with "src" attribute as blob. Does blob means it is using MSE. Can we have blob in "src" attribute for DASH(I checked in Youtube) and for HLS(as in dailymotion or twitch.tv) as well?
I was reading few articles on twitch.tv, does twitch.tv only support HLS with html5 player or flash? If suppose a browser does not support flash and HLS through html5 player, then there is no way to play twitch.tv content on browser?
Your questions don't really make sense as they are asked, so I can't answer the 1,2,3. But I can clear up some of your confusion. HLS and DASH are a collection of technologies, not single competing technologies. Most HTTPS streaming protocols are made up of a binary video format, and a text based manifest format. DASH uses an overly complex XML manifest format with a fragmented MP4 video format. HLS uses an m3u8 manifest, with fragmented Transport stream for the video format. As of IOS 10 HLS also supports fragmented MP4. MSE can play fragmented MP4. But browsers don't read manifests. Hence a player application must be used to download and parse the manifest, download the video fragments, then give them to the browser to play. Twitch uses HLS with transport streams, but runs custom software in the browser to convert them to MP4 fragments. (Or flv streams in the case of flash). When you see a src with a blob, that is a normal (not fragmented) MP4, and is completely different. Safari is an exception, it can play HLS using an m3u8 manifest as the source.