I am trying to write an SBT task that may be used like this:
> deploy key1=value1 key2=value2 ...
and does the following:
I have been trying to achieve it with Def.sequential
, but I cant seem to find a way to use it withinputKey
. Mybuild.sbt
looks like this:
val config = inputKey[Unit] (
"Set configuration options before deployment.")
val deploy = inputKey[Unit](
"assemble fat .jar with configuration options")
val defaultProperties = settingKey[Properties](
"default application properties.")
val propertiesPath = settingKey[File]("path to config.properties")
val writeDefaultProperties = taskKey[Unit]("write default properties file.")
val parser = (((' ' ~> StringBasic) <~ '=') ~ StringBasic).+
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
propertiesPath := {
val base = (resourceDirectory in Compile).value
base / "config.properties"
defaultProperties := {
val path = propertiesPath.value
val defaultConfig = new Properties
IO.load(defaultConfig, path)
config := {
val path = propertiesPath.value
val defaultConfig = defaultProperties.value
val options = parser.parsed
val deployConfig = new Properties
options.foreach(option =>
.setProperty(option._1, option._2))
IO.write(deployConfig, "", path)
writeDefaultProperties := {
val default = defaultProperties.value
val path = propertiesPath.value
IO.write(default, "", path)
deploy := Def.sequential(
config.parsed, // does not compile
Can I makeDef.sequential
work with input keys, or do I need to do something more involved?
See Defining a sequential task with Def.sequential. It uses scalastyle
as an example:
(scalastyle in Compile).toTask("")