Need help configuring Google Apps Gmail MX Records in VestaCP on my VPS.
I want to know which values to put where. Google give just 2 values, 'Priority' and 'Points to'.
I tried some combinations but VestaCP says values are wrong. Below is the VestaCP Screen to create MX Records.
Please help me with the values.
Please try below based on this
Records: *
Type: MX
Priority: 1
If records *
not works, please try *
And according to this, please make sure your domain is matching a correct A record.
MX entries must point to a domain, and never point directly to an IP address. If no MX record exists on a domain to which an SMTP server attempts to deliver mail, the server will attempt to deliver the mail to the matching A record
According to GSuite document, please make sure you have cleaned all previous MX records. And also, the setting will not be valid immediately.