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Firebase Crash Reporting iOS - Unreadable Crashes - Upload Symbol Files?

I'm trying to integrate Firebase Crash reporting for my iOS app. I am using Xcode 8.1, Swift 3 and the latest Firebase Crash reporting version as of 29/11/16.

I have installed Firebase Crash reporting via Cocoapods and have I gone through the limited setup guide from the documentation shown below where I added a run script with my Google App ID and the path to my Google Crash Key son file (Service account)

  1. Replace this with the GOOGLE_APP_ID from your GoogleService-Info.plist file


  2. Replace the /Path/To/ServiceAccount.json with the path to the key you just downloaded

    "${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "/Path/To/ServiceAccount.json"

I am not sure if I have implemented the second step correctly. I did this

    "${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "${SRCROOT}/******/GoogleCrashKey.json"

The problem I have is that my app crash reports are pretty unreadable. I believe I either need to upload a symbol file or I have got the second step wrong.

Unreadable Firebase Crash

How would I upload the symbol files for crash reporting. I get this instruction when pressing the upload symbol file option in the Firebase Crash reporting console. However I am unsure how to implement it.

1: Using the command line, navigate to your Xcode project folder and run the following:

    ./Pods/FirebaseCrash/batch-upload  < service-account-file >  my_UUID

Any help would be great.

Thank you


  • I was making a mistake when I was trying to implement the second step. I had the Speech marks in the wrong place and had the whole file path as a string :(.

    instead of doing this:

        "${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "${SRCROOT}/******/GoogleCrashKey.json"

    I changed it to this:

         "${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "${SRCROOT}" /******/GoogleCrashKey.json"

    My crash report now looks like the following:

    Correct Firebase Crash Report Structure

    Thanks for the help Martin. Much appreciated.