I am currently working with a large dataframe which consists of rougly 20 columns and a lot of rows.
Simplified it can look like this:
letter = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C", "C", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C")
number = c(1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,2,3,2,1)\
value1 = c(1:17)
value2 = seq(18, 50, 2)
df = data.frame(letter, number, value1, value2)
I would like to do some calculations on specific sets of values. These are the unique combinations of letter and number. So all values who have the letter A and number 1 can be summed, counted (or count_not_zero), taken minimum, or other (more elaborate) calculations. My goal is to make a new data frame with these unique combinations and their calculations.
letter number value1.sum value1.count .. value2.max value2.elaborate
A 1 1 1 .. 18 0.56
A 2 26 3 .. 42 0.40
A 3 15 2 .. 40 0.44
B 1 .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
C 2 16 2 .. 34 0.44
C 3 8 1 .. 32 0.50
I tried doing this in several ways. For example making a list of matrices with the letter A (in this case), and then using aggregate while selecting on the individual letters. However this gets awfully big.
I tried several combinations of DPLYR package but it was difficult to do different kind of calculations, especially selfmade ones.
If you're looking into dplyr
, what about using group_by
and summarize_each
df %>%
group_by(letter, number) %>%
summarize_each(funs(mean, sum, max, min, n()), value1:value2)
letter number value1_mean value2_mean value1_sum value2_sum value1_max value2_max value1_min value2_min value1_n value2_n
(chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (int) (dbl) (int) (dbl) (int) (dbl) (int) (int)
1 A 1 1.000000 18.00000 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 1
2 A 2 8.666667 33.33333 26 100 13 42 2 20 3 3
3 A 3 7.500000 31.00000 15 62 12 40 3 22 2 2
4 B 1 5.000000 26.00000 10 52 6 28 4 24 2 2
5 B 2 11.666667 39.33333 35 118 16 48 5 26 3 3
6 B 3 15.000000 46.00000 15 46 15 46 15 46 1 1
7 C 1 13.500000 43.00000 27 86 17 50 10 36 2 2
8 C 2 8.000000 32.00000 16 64 9 34 7 30 2 2
9 C 3 8.000000 32.00000 8 32 8 32 8 32 1 1
You can easily make your own helper functions to output the more elaborate calculations that you're looking for, and then call them inside funs