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Retrieve the US release date for a movie from Wikidata using Sparql

I am trying to retrieve the titles and release dates (publication date) for movies using the sparkql endpoint ( The titles are listed in different languages, which are filtered in the query below. However, some movies also have several publication dates (e.g. for different countries), e.g. I'm not sure how the RDF triple structure is actually used to assign a country to the value of another triple, but specifically, how can I only retrieve the publication date for a movie in the US?

SELECT ?item ?title ?publicationdate
    ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424 ;
        rdfs:label ?title ;
        wdt:P577 ?publicationdate ;
    filter ( lang(?title) = "en" )
ORDER BY ?movieid


The solution provided by M.Sarmini works. Apparently, facts such as publication data are stored as n-ary relations, they create a unique symbolic tag that links the resources. The value that P577 links to is just the date, when turned into a string will give the release date, while in reality it is a token that you can link to other qualifiers.


  • Just add a new variable to hold the place of publication and filter your results to just list US films like this:

    PREFIX q: <>
    PREFIX s: <>
    SELECT distinct ?item  ?title ?publicationdate
    WHERE { 
      ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424;
            rdfs:label ?title;             
            p:P577 ?placeofpublication.
      ?placeofpublication q:P291 wd:Q30.   
      ?placeofpublication s:P577 ?publicationdate;
      filter ( lang(?title) = "en")
    ORDER BY ?item