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Set Maximum Zoom for iOS Charts

I am new to programming and swift, so I have a question... How to set the maximum zoom in iOS charts? tried:

 func setBarChart(dataPoints: [String], humidity: [Double], andDays: Int, forTime: String)
    let formato = BarChartFormatter()
    let xaxis  = XAxis()
    var humidityEntry: [BarChartDataEntry] = []

    for i in 0..<dataPoints.count
        let dataEntry = BarChartDataEntry(x: Double(i), y: humidity[i])
        formato.getNumberOfDays(Double(i), axis: xaxis, andDays: andDays)

    xaxis.valueFormatter = formato
    let barChartDataSet3 = BarChartDataSet(values: humidityEntry, label: "Humidity")
    barChartDataSet3.barBorderColor =
    barChartDataSet3.valueTextColor = UIColor.lightText

    barChartView.leftAxis.labelTextColor = UIColor.white
    barChartView.rightAxis.labelTextColor = UIColor.white
    barChartView.leftAxis.labelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 11)
    barChartView.rightAxis.labelFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 11)
    barChartView.scaleYEnabled = false
//        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.1, maxXRange: 1.1)
//        barChartView.autoScaleMinMaxEnabled = true
//        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.0, maxXRange: 1.0)

    switch forTime {
    case "6months":
        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.0, maxXRange: 3.1)
    case "3months":
        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.0, maxXRange: 2.1)
    case "1month":
        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.0, maxXRange: 1.5)
    case "7days":
        barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 0.0, maxXRange: 1.0)

    if barChartView.xRange >= 1.0 && barChartView.xRange <= 0
        barChartView.scaleXEnabled = false
//        barChartView.setVisibleYRangeMaximum(2.0, axis: YAxis.)
//        barChartView.
//        if barChartView.scaleX > 1.3
//        {
//            barChartView.notifyDataSetChanged()
//            barChartView.scaleXEnabled = false
//        }
//        barChartView.notifyDataSetChanged()
//        barChartView.scaleXEnabled =
    barChartView.highlightFullBarEnabled = false

    var dataSets = [IChartDataSet]()

    let lineChartDataTemp = BarChartData(dataSets: dataSets)
    barChartView.legend.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
    barChartView.legend.textColor = UIColor.white
    barChartView.xAxis.valueFormatter = xaxis.valueFormatter = lineChartDataTemp
    barChartView.animate(xAxisDuration: 2.0, yAxisDuration: 2.0)


But nothing works, sometimes I can zoom to infinite, other time it just shows me weird zoomed-in graphs.


  • Hi Dumitru Rogojinaru,

    barChartView.setVisibleXRange(minXRange: 1, maxXRange: 3)

    This method and description is available in BarLineChartViewBase.swift in chart classes file.

    /// Limits the maximum and minimum value count that can be visible by pinching and zooming.
    /// e.g. minRange=10, maxRange=100 no less than 10 values and no more that 100 values can be viewed
    /// at once without scrolling
    public func setVisibleXRange(minXRange minXRange: CGFloat, maxXRange: CGFloat)
        let maxScale = _deltaX / minXRange
        let minScale = _deltaX / maxXRange
        _viewPortHandler.setMinMaxScaleX(minScaleX: minScale, maxScaleX: maxScale)

    Please do refer -

    I hope this will help you.