I have a hard problem that wants an answear. I am working with Symfony and I installed Sonata to manage the admin area. After I completed to do that, my prompt line give me this error:
This is my code:
class: AppBundle\Security\UserLoginFormAuthenticator
autowire: true
class: AppBundle\Security\AdminLoginFormAuthenticator
autowire: true
Please, help me.
Autowiring feature is handy, but it has a limitations.
As you say, you have multiple instances of entity manager. So, Symfony doesn't know which of them should be injected into your services. If a service definition were available to change, you would set the autowiring_types
parameter to specify a default implementation of dependency. But usualy entity manager services are defined by DoctrineBundle and you can not configure it directly. (As I know, Doctrine configuration doesn't provide options to set up that.)
So, the easiest way is to manually specify the entity manager: just pass a entity manager service ID (doctrine.orm.XXX_entity_manager) to constructor arguments of your services.
class: AppBundle\Security\UserLoginFormAuthenticator
arguments: [ '@doctrine.orm.XXX_entity_manager' ]
class: AppBundle\Security\AdminLoginFormAuthenticator
arguments: [ '@doctrine.orm.YYY_entity_manager' ]
Obviously, if services have other dependendecies, you also need to specify them.