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Posting data using javascript with ODATA format

I'm facing an issue when converting ODATA string into JSON while posting on my Dynamics CRM. When I'm trying to serialize that way:

var phoneCallAssociationJsonData = '{'
               +'"" : "'+ phoneCallUid +')"'

And serialize it in the request like that: JSON.stringify(phoneCallAssociationJsonData);

I get a BAD REQUEST response. But When I use POSTMAN to post data and I copy the following JSON:

{"" : ""}

It works perfectly. Does someone know if there is a special way way to serialize string with odata format ?

I've tried to create a javascript object but adding a [email protected] is not possible because @ is not an allowed character.


  • Firstly, rather than creating a string, which you then stringify, create an OBJECT

    var phoneCallAssociationJsonData = {
        "" : ""+ phoneCallUid +")"



    should now work