I got a problem of images and header and a lightbox effect. Actually in my website I needed the header as a constant so I made it constant by adding css property position:fixed and it worked out also but I got another problem as this messed up with lightbox effect. It got underlayed by header. I want that when I open lightbox the header should be overlayed by lightbox effect. And again a problem of images that I put in the slider when scrolls are also giving problems.
Please check this site http://www.sultanindustries.in and scroll to our portfolio and open one of image and scroll to top you will clearly understand my problem.
hey guys i found the answer. Thank u kayee. That problem caused due to Z-index. I have changed Z-index property.
Things that i had to keep on top, i have increased their z-index.
z-index:999; //for lightbox popup
for other
Z-index:900; //less than lightbox popup z-index
and the problem is solved.