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Rails - Deploying to Heroku with duplicate routes

I'm deploying my Rails app that uses the clearance gem to Heroku. Everything works fine in development but I'm running into trouble with the gem generated routes I get.

When attempting to deploy to Heroku, I get the error...

ArgumentError: Invalid route name, already in use: 'sign_in'

You may have defined two routes with the same name using the `:as` option, or you may be overriding a route already defined by a resource with the same naming. For the latter, you can restrict the routes created with `resources` as explained here:

I'm not seeing where to restrict the duplicates or where they would be generated with any of my resources:

Please see routes.rb file below


Rails.application.routes.draw do

  resources :passwords, controller: "clearance/passwords", only: [:create, :new]
  resource :session, controller: "clearance/sessions", only: [:create]

  resources :users, controller: "clearance/users", only: [:create] do
    resource :password,
      controller: "clearance/passwords",
      only: [:create, :edit, :update]

  get "/sign_in" => "clearance/sessions#new", as: "sign_in"
  delete "/sign_out" => "clearance/sessions#destroy", as: "sign_out"
  get "/sign_up" => "clearance/users#new", as: "sign_up"

  get 'newSignUp', to: 'signups#new'
  post 'newSignUp', to: 'signups#create'

  get 'newTrip', to: 'trips#new'
  post 'newTrip', to: 'trips#create'

  get 'trips/:id/send_itinerary' => 'trips#send_itinerary', as: :trips_send_itinerary

  root 'static_pages#home'
  get 'static_pages/home'
  get 'static_pages/help'
  get 'static_pages/about'
  get 'static_pages/contact'

  resources :signups
  resources :tripitems
  resources :trips



  • After looking at the gems GitHub, it looks like I raked the routes earlier and even though config.routes was set to false in the initializer, there was a conflict generate in the generated resources in production.

    I wound up deleting the raked routes and making config.routes=true.