In a Kotlin interface, does it matter if properties are declared with empty get/set statements?
For instance...
interface ExampleInterface {
// These...
val a: String
var b: String
// ...compared to these...
val c: String
var d: String
I'm having a hard time noticing a difference.
When implementing the interface, it doesn't seem to matter if I use getters/setters for the properties, or if I set the value directly.
When accessing these through java, the val
's both have getters, and the var
's both have getters and setters.
public void javaMethod(ExampleInterface e) {
The property declarations in your example are identical, get
and set
can be safely removed from there, because, as you correctly noted, the accessors are generated anyway. The syntax with get
and set
can, however, be used to provide an accessor implementation or to restrict its visibility.
Providing implementation:
interface ExampleInterface {
var b: String
get() = ""
set(value) { }
This example shows a default implementation of a property declared in an interface. This property can still be overriden inside the interface implementations.
class Example {
var b: String = ""
get() = "$field$field"
Here, get() = ...
overrides the default getter behavior of a property with a backing field, whereas set
is not mentioned, thus it behaves normally.
Visibility restriction:
class Example {
var s: String = "s"
private set
In this example, the setter visibility is private
. The visibility of get
is always the same to the visibility of the property, so there's no need to specify it separately. Interfaces cannot declare private
abstract class Example {
abstract var b: String
protected set // Restrict visibility
The setter of this property is restricted to this class and its subclasses. Interfaces cannot declare protected
Of course, an accessor implementation can be combined with visibility restriction:
class Example {
var s: String = "abc"
private set(value) { if (value.isNotEmpty()) field = value }
See also: