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PowerShell query remote SQL Server with different Windows Credentials

I am trying to query a SQL Server using a a script block and passing in a different set of windows credentials. The script works if i run it on the same machine as the SQL Server but fails when i try and run it remotely. I know i can access the SQL server remotely because i can access the SQL server with SQL Server Managment Studio and run the query manually. Below is the code i am trying to use. I specify the server, database, and query prior to the point in the script.

$credentials = Get-Credentials
#Script block
$sqlscript = {
    #SQL variables
    $sqlDataSource = $sqlServer
    $sqlDatabase = $database

    $connectionString = "Server="+$sqlDataSource+";Database="+$sqlDatabase+";Integrated Security=SSPI;"

    $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString

    $command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($queryString,$connection)

    # use dataset to get sql results
    $dataset=New-Object system.Data.DataSet
    $dataAdapter=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($command)

    # dataset has separate results tables
    #$versionData = $dataset.Tables[0] #Version query results #not needed
    $hardwareData = $dataset.Tables[1] #Hardware query results
    $softwareData = $dataset.Tables[2] #Software query results

start-job -ScriptBlock $sqlscript -Credential $credentials
# output to separate CSV files
#$versionData | Export-CSV $outputPath -notype #not needed
$hardwareData | Export-CSV $outputPathHardware -notype
$softwareData | Export-CSV $outputPathSoftware -notype

This is the status of the job: enter image description here


  • So i figured out what the issue was. As i stated earlier in my comment I was correct the new session when invoking Start-Job does pass the parameters. If you look at SQL connection properties and no user/password is passed it will attempt to authenticate via windows authentication with the credentials you passed to the new session. The issue was my own fault in get-credentials i supplied the username and password as follows.

    User: user@domain.local

    Password: mypassword

    The issue is that it needs to be like this:

    User: DOMAIN\user

    Password: mypassword

    I am not sure why that makes a difference but it does. I thought both of those syntax's are the same but maybe not with SQL Windows Authentication.