I'm trying DSE Graph Loader. DSE graph loader version is 5.0.3. I'm using Virtual Box image downloaded from DataStax website.
When I'm following instruction from https://docs.datastax.com/en/latest-dse/datastax_enterprise/graph/dgl/dglCSV.html. It always failed with two types of errors as below.
ERROR DataLoaderImpl:594 - Graph driver attempts exceeded for this operation, logging failure, but no records are present (may have been a schema operation) com.datastax.dsegraphloader.exception.TemporaryException: om.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Unrecognized option string: graph.tx_groups.default.verify_unique
2016-11-23 13:38:41 ERROR DataLoaderImpl:594 - Could not load record [{gender =F, name=Julia Child}] on load [author] for source record [CSVRecord [comment=null, mapping={name=0, gender =1}, recordNumber=1, values=[Julia Child, F]]] java.lang.NullPointerException
Not really an answer. But after I tried same thing on OSX, it worked without any issues. So the problem is related to VM environment.