Hello I am using c# and OpenTK.
For some reason i have my y completely inverted when using the mouse i need to set y negative to be right, but when i am rendering a map the map is inverted i have been trying to find the problem but i cant find what makes the y be inverted.
I will be letting a link for the c# project if the problem is not at the code below.
Game.cs where the on render, on load or on update funcions ate
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace PlatformGame
class Game : GameWindow
public static int GridSize = 32, TileSize = 1024;
Texture2D Texture, TileSet;
Texture2D Water;
Texture2D Grass;
View view;
Level level;
public Game(int width,int height)
: base(width,height)
view = new View(Vector2.Zero, 1.0, 0.0);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
Water = ContentPipe.LoadTexture("Water.png");
Grass = ContentPipe.LoadTexture("Grass.png");
TileSet = ContentPipe.LoadTexture("Tiles.png");
level = new Level("Content/Level.tmx");
protected override void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) - new Vector2(Width, Height) / 2f;
pos = view.ToWorld(pos);
view.SetPosition(pos, View.TweenType.QuarticOut, 15);
if (Input.Keydown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Right))
view.SetPosition(view.PositionGoTo + new Vector2(5, 0), View.TweenType.QuarticOut, 15);
if (Input.Keydown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Left))
view.SetPosition(view.PositionGoTo + new Vector2(-5, 0), View.TweenType.QuarticOut, 15);
if (Input.Keydown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Up))
view.SetPosition(view.PositionGoTo + new Vector2(0, 5), View.TweenType.QuarticOut, 15);
if (Input.Keydown(OpenTK.Input.Key.Down))
view.SetPosition(view.PositionGoTo + new Vector2(0, -5), View.TweenType.QuarticOut, 15);
protected override void OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); //Clear Window
GL.ClearColor(Color.CornflowerBlue); //Set Windo background to Corn flower blue
SpriteBatch.Begin(Width, Height);
for (int x = 0; x < level.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < level.Height; y++)
RectangleF Source = new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0);
switch (level[x,y].Type)
case BlockType.Ladder:
Source = new RectangleF(0 * TileSize, 2 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.Water:
Source = new RectangleF(0 * TileSize, 0 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.Stone:
Source = new RectangleF(0 * TileSize, 1 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.Platform:
Source = new RectangleF(1 * TileSize, 1 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.Dirt:
Source = new RectangleF(2 * TileSize, 0 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.Grass:
Source = new RectangleF(1 * TileSize, 0 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
case BlockType.LadderPlatform:
Source = new RectangleF(2 * TileSize, 1 * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
SpriteBatch.Draw(TileSet, new Vector2(x * GridSize, y * GridSize), new Vector2((float)GridSize / TileSize), Color.Transparent, Vector2.Zero, Source);
View.cs what controls the camera
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace PlatformGame
class View
public enum TweenType
private Vector2 position;
/// <summary>
/// In radians, + = clockwise
/// </summary>
public double rotation;
/// <summary>
/// 1 = no zoom
/// 2 = 2x zoom
/// </summary>
public double zoom;
private Vector2 PositionGoto, PositionFrom;
private TweenType tweenType;
private int CurrentStep, TweenStep;
public Vector2 Position
return position;
public Vector2 PositionGoTo
get { return PositionGoto; }
public Vector2 ToWorld(Vector2 input)
input /= (float)zoom;
Vector2 dX = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rotation),(float)Math.Sin(rotation));
Vector2 dY = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(rotation + MathHelper.PiOver2), (float)Math.Sin(rotation + -MathHelper.PiOver2));
return (position + dX * input.X + dY * input.Y);
public View(Vector2 StartPosition,double StartZoom = 1.0, double StartRotation = 0.0)
position = StartPosition;
zoom = StartZoom;
rotation = StartRotation;
public void Update()
if (CurrentStep < TweenStep)
switch (tweenType)
case TweenType.Linear:
position = PositionFrom + (PositionGoto - PositionFrom) * GetLinear((float)CurrentStep / TweenStep);
case TweenType.QuadraticInOut:
position = PositionFrom + (PositionGoto - PositionFrom) * GetQuadraticInOut((float)CurrentStep / TweenStep);
case TweenType.CubicInOut:
position = PositionFrom + (PositionGoto - PositionFrom) * GetCubicInOut((float)CurrentStep / TweenStep);
case TweenType.QuarticOut:
position = PositionFrom + (PositionGoto - PositionFrom) * GetQuarticOut((float)CurrentStep / TweenStep);
position = PositionGoto;
public void SetPosition(Vector2 NewPosition)
position = NewPosition;
PositionFrom = NewPosition;
PositionGoto = NewPosition;
tweenType = TweenType.Instante;
CurrentStep = 0;
TweenStep = 0;
public void SetPosition(Vector2 NewPosition, TweenType type, int NumSteps)
PositionFrom = position;
position = NewPosition;
PositionGoto = NewPosition;
tweenType = type;
CurrentStep = 0;
TweenStep = NumSteps;
public float GetLinear(float t)
return t;
public float GetQuadraticInOut(float t)
return (t * t) / ((2 * t * t) - (2 * t) + 1);
public float GetCubicInOut(float t)
return (t * t * t) / ((3 * t * t) - (3 * t) + 1);
public float GetQuarticOut(float t)
return -((t - 1) * (t - 1) * (t - 1) * (t - 1)) + 1;
public void ApplyTransform()
Matrix4 transfotm = Matrix4.Identity;
transfotm = Matrix4.Mult(transfotm, Matrix4.CreateTranslation(-position.X, -position.Y, 0));
transfotm = Matrix4.Mult(transfotm, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(-(float)rotation));
transfotm = Matrix4.Mult(transfotm, Matrix4.CreateScale((float)zoom, (float)zoom, 1.0f));
GL.MultMatrix(ref transfotm);
Project Link
I have found the problem the the problem is in the spritebatch.cs
it have a line like this:
GL.Ortho(-ScreenWidth / 2f, ScreenWidth / 2f, -ScreenHeight / 2f, ScreenHeight / 2f, 0f, 1f);
it is suppose to be like this
GL.Ortho(-ScreenWidth / 2f, ScreenWidth / 2f, ScreenHeight / 2f, -ScreenHeight / 2f, 0f, 1f);