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SQL Server 2012: parse XML then pick one of subnodes as well as concat all sub nodes

I am trying to parse XML column and trying to do two things

  • Iterate through multiple sub nodes of a node and pick one node based on a 1/0 flag value.
  • combine all sub nodes to create a one combined field (delimited)

Runnable code block - SQL Server 2012:

create table #temp (XMLData xml)

insert into #temp (XMLData)
values ('

      c.value('IsActive[1]','varchar(1)') as IsActive
    , c.value('PID[1]','varchar(5)') as PID
    , case when c.value('phone[1]/IsPrimary[1]','int') = 1 then c.value('phone[1]/PhoneNumber[1]','varchar(15)') end as  PublicWorkPhone /** this condition needs to look at all sub nodes. this stops at the first one.  **/
    , c.value('location[1]','varchar(2)') as location
    cross apply #temp.XMLData.nodes('/Report_Data/Report_Entry') as y(c)

drop table #temp

I get this:

IsActive PID   PublicWorkPhone location
-------- ----- --------------- --------
1        111   (101)111-1111   NULL
1        222   NULL            NULL
1        333   NULL            NY

However, I need this:

IsActive PID   PublicWorkPhone location
-------- ----- --------------- --------
1        111   (101)111-1111   NULL
1        222   NULL            NULL
1        333   (101)333-2222   NY,DC

For PID=333, the primary phone is (101)333-2222 and not null. Also, the location should be "NY,DC" not just NY.

I'd really appreciate any help you could offer achieving the result. Thank you


  • This should do the trick:

    WITH prep AS 
        c.value('(IsActive[1]/text())[1]','char(1)') as IsActive,
        c.value('(PID[1]/text())[1]','varchar(5)') as PID,
        c.value('(phone[IsPrimary=1]/PhoneNumber/text())[1]', 'varchar(15)') AS PublicWorkPhone,
        location = cc.value('(text())[1]', 'varchar(1000)')
      from #temp 
      CROSS APPLY #temp.XMLData.nodes('/Report_Data/Report_Entry') as y(c)
      OUTER APPLY c.nodes('location/location-state') AS z(cc)
      Location = 
      STUFF ((
        SELECT ',' + location
        FROM prep pp
        WHERE p.PID = pp.PID
        FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
    FROM prep p
    GROUP BY IsActive, PID, PublicWorkPhone;