I'm writing a dsl in a text in which people can declare some variables. the grammar is as follows:
cosem+=ID '=' 'COSEM' '(' class=INT ',' version=INT ',' obis=STRING ')' ;
Attributes :
attribute+=ID '=' 'ATTRIBUTE' '(' object=ID ',' attribute_name=STRING ')' ;
action+=ID '=' 'ACTION' '(' object=ID ',' action_name=STRING ')';
the Dsl has some methods like the print method:
'PRINT' '(' var0=(STRING|ID) (','var1+=(STRING|ID) )* ')' |
'PRINT' '(' ')'
I put all my variables in map so I can use them later in my code. the key is identifying them is their ID which is a string. However, in my interpreter I can't make the différence between a string and an ID
def dispatch void exec(Print p) {
if (LocalMapAttribute.containsKey(p.var0) )
else if (LocalMapAction.containsKey(p.var0)){print(LocalMapAction.get(p.var0))}
else if (LocalMapCosem.containsKey(p.var0)){print(LocalMapCosem.get(p.var0))}
{print("erreeeur Print")}
| if (LocalMapAttribute.containsKey(v)){print(LocalMapAttribute.get(v))}
else if (LocalMapAction.containsKey(v)){print(LocalMapAction.get(v))}
else if (LocalMapCosem.containsKey(v)){print(LocalMapCosem.get(v))}
else{print("erreur entre print")} ]
For example when I write PRINT ("attribut2",attribut2)
the result shoud be
attribut2 "the value of attribut2"
but I get
"the value of attribut2" "the value of attribut2"
your current grammar structure makes it hard to do this since you throw away the information at the point where you fill the map.
you can use org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.NodeModelUtils.findNodesForFeature(EObject, EStructuralFeature)
to obtain the actual text (which still may contain the original value including the ""
or you change your grammar to
var0=Value ...
Value: IDValue | StringValue;
IDValue: value=ID;
StringValue: value=STRING;
then you can have a look at the type (IDValue or StringValue) to decide wheather you need to put the text into ""
(org.eclipse.xtext.util.Strings.convertToJavaString(String, boolean)
) might be helpful
Or you can try to use a special replacement for STRINGValueaConcerter that does not strip the quotation marks