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Activation error with IEventAggregator Prism

I am using Prism in my WPF. When I add IEventAggregator as a parameter to the ViewModel constructor I get this error: An exception of type 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException' occurred in Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll. Additional information: Activation error occurred while trying to get instance of type Object, key "CategoriesView"

The exception is triggered in this line:

private void NavigateToCategoriesRadioButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this.regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.ConfigurationContentRegion, categoriesViewUri);

where categoriesViewUri is:

private static Uri categoriesViewUri = new Uri("/CategoriesView", UriKind.Relative);

This is my view model class:

public class CategoriesViewModel : BindableBase
    private readonly IRegionManager regionManager;
    private readonly IEventAggregator eventAggregator;
    private readonly IConfigurationCategoriesService categoriesService;
    private readonly ObservableCollection<Category> categoriesCollection;
    private readonly ICollectionView categoriesView;
    private readonly DelegateCommand<object> deleteCategoryCommand;

    public CategoriesViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IConfigurationCategoriesService categoriesService, IRegionManager regionManager)
        this.categoriesService = categoriesService;
        this.regionManager = regionManager;
        this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;

        this.deleteCategoryCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.DeleteCategory, this.CanDeleteCategory);

        this.categoriesCollection = new ObservableCollection<Category>(categoriesService.GetCategories());
        this.categoriesView = new ListCollectionView(this.categoriesCollection);
        this.categoriesView.CurrentChanged += (s, e) => this.deleteCategoryCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged();


    public ICollectionView Categories
        get { return this.categoriesView; } 

    public ICommand DeleteCategoryCommand
        get { return this.deleteCategoryCommand; }

    private void DeleteCategory(object ignored)
        var category = this.categoriesView.CurrentItem as Category;
        if (category != null)
    private bool CanDeleteCategory(object ignored)
        return true;

It looks like CatagoriesViewModel cannot get an instance of IEventAggregator on the constructor but this is done automatically by Prism, isn't it? In the example I have from Prism Documentation (StockTraderRI_Desktop) I don´t see anywhere where the EventAggregator is instantiated. Can anyone see what am I getting wrong? Thanks in advance


The Navitagion item view is registerd in the CategoriesModule class:

public class CategoriesModule : IModule
    public IRegionManager regionManager;

    public void Initialize()
        this.regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.ConfigurationNavigationRegion, typeof(CategoriesNavigationItemView));

And CategoriesView code-behind is:

public partial class CategoriesView : UserControl
    public CategoriesView()

    public IRegionManager regionManager;

    public CategoriesViewModel ViewModel
        get { return this.DataContext as CategoriesViewModel; }
        set { this.DataContext = value; }


  • I solved this issue adding the following using statement:

    using Microsoft.Practices.Prism.PubSubEvents;

    instead of

    using Prism.Events;

    I also switched to Unity instead of MEF by recommendation on this site.