Example of the node looks like:
node(3, nil, 14).
node(14, nil, 15).
node(15, nil, 92).
I have seen similar questions asked here however mine is different as my nodes have 3 instead of 2 values in the parameter.
Example of how it should run:
?- inOrder(3, X).
X = [3, 14, 15, 35, 65, 89, 92] .
My current code is:
% the in-order traversal of a leaf is the leaf
inOrder(X, [X]) :-
node(X, nil, nil).
% if the node only has a left child, we traverse that
inOrder(x, [X|T]) :-
node(X, L, [X|T]),
inOrder(L, T).
% if the node only has a right child we traverse that
inOrder(x, [X|T]) :-
node(X, nil, R),
inOrder(R, T).
% if the node has both, we traverse them both.
inOrder(x, [X|T]) :-
node(L, X, R),
L \= nil, R \= nil,
inOrder(L, T1),
inOrder(R, T2),
append(T1, T, T2).
It returns false instead of an actual value.
There are several twists in your representation. In general, treelike structures are not flattened out in the database, here with node/3
, but rather maintained in a single term.
Also, it seems to be a good idea to insist that each node has its own fact. In your example 92 needs a fact!
So given all these precautions one can write, using DCGs:
node(3, nil, 14).
node(14, nil, 15).
node(15, nil, 92).
node(92, nil, nil). % added!
inorder(I, Xs) :-
phrase(inorder(I), Xs).
inorder(nil) -->
inorder(I) -->
{dif(I, nil)},
{node(I, L, R)},
?- inorder(3,L).
L = [3,14,15,92]
; false.
The check your database for orphaned nodes:
orphan(Nr) :-
node(_, L, R),
( Nr = L ; Nr = R ),
dif(Nr, nil),
\+ node(Nr, _, _).
So orphan(N)
should fail on your database.
To get rid of the leftover choicepoint ; false.
add the following rule in front of inorder//1
inorder(Nil) --> {Nil == nil}, !.