link of question link of solution is
In below code i am not able to understand why 1 is subtracted from mod where mod=1000000007
ll d = 1;
ll ans = 1;
for (auto x : cnt) {
ll cnt =;
ll p =;
ll fp = binPow(p, (cnt + 1) * cnt / 2, MOD);
ans = binPow(ans, (cnt + 1), MOD) * binPow(fp, d, MOD) % MOD;
d = d * ( + 1) % (MOD - 1);//why ??
Apart from the fact that there is the code does not make much sense as out of context as it is, there is the little theorem of Fermat:
Whenever MOD
is a prime number, as 10^9+7
is, one can reduce exponents by multiples of (MOD-1)
as for any a
not a multiple of MOD
a ^ (MOD-1) == 1 mod MOD.
Which means that
a^b == a ^ (b mod (MOD-1)) mod MOD.
As to the code, which is efficient for its task, consider n=m*p^e
where m
is composed of primes smaller than p
Then for each factor f
of m
there are factors 1*f, p*f, p^2*f,...,p^e*f
of n
. The product over all factors of n
thus is the product over
p^(0+1+2+...+e) * f^(e+1) = p^( e*(e+1)/2 ) * f^(e+1)
over all factors f
of m
. Putting the numbers of factors as d
and the product of factors of m
as ans
results in the combined formula
ans = ans^( e+1 ) * p^( d*e*(e+1)/2 )
d = d*(e+1)
which can now be recursively applied to the list of prime factors and their multiplicities.