Mvvmcross version 4.4.0
xamarin forms need
version 23.0.0
Download Cachè plugin need
version 24.2.1
My app is using xamarin forms so i cant remove it, but i also need to use MvxListView to show an image from url with local:MvxBind="ImageUrl myimage"
so i need download cache plugin, but i cant install it.
Is there any other IMvxImageHelper to use instead of MvvmCross-DownloadCache plugin ? or any other solution ?
*IMPORTANT NOTE-> No code in the Android View.
We use the Xamarin.Forms Plugin FFImageLoading - Fast & Furious Image Loading. It works like a charm and the image loading is much faster than without this plugin. So just take a look at it.
You can find detailed documentation on this github wiki.
Here's a short Xaml example how to use it:
<ffimageloading:CachedImage HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"
WidthRequest="300" HeightRequest="300"
Source = "">