Getting straight to it: Why is my R code doing fine on my local CPU (under one minute), but tens of times slower on Azure Machine Learning, using one R script block (over 18 minutes)?
I assume that it has to do with the resources allocated to the experiment, but how can I be sure? Can I obtain details about the resource allocated to the R script block from somwehere hidden in the Azure-ML Studio machinery?
Thank you, Flo
Later Edit: As it often happens, I did finally find some information, which still doesn't solve my issue. According to "User-specified R code is run by a 64-bit R interpreter that runs in Azure using an A8 virtual machine with 56 GB of RAM."
This is more than my local machine has, the R code is still much slower on the Azure-ML studio.
Consider using rbenchmark or other benchmarking tools to get an idea of the runtime and complexity of your code. In general for loops tend to be slow.
It's very possible that the server has less resources available (ram, cpu) or that you have to wait in a que before you get served. Without any more code it's hard to comment further on this issue.