I have a set of dynamic queries which return XML as varchars, see below.
Example query:
set @sqlstr = 'Select ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>'' + ''<File_Name><Location>'' + (Select a,b,c from table for xml path(''Row'')) + </Location></File_name>'''
This works a treat until the select a,b,c ...
query is NULL. Then I don't receive the outside elements as you'd expect like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"><File_Name><Location><Row></Row></Location></File_name>
All I receive is NULL
After a bit of Googling I find the issue is the concatenation of NULL results is a complete NULL Result. However I cannot find one solution gives me what I'd expect to be the result.
I've tried (not to say I have tried correctly)
IsNull(Exec(@sqlstring),'*blank elements*')
xsnil (doesn't seem to work in dynamic queries)
@result = exec(@sqlstring) then isnull and select
Anyone have a better solution? (preferably small due to multiple such queries)
I think you need something like this:
set @sqlstr = 'Select ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><File_Name><Location>'' + (Select IsNull(a, '') as a, IsNull(b, '') as b,IsNull(c, '') as c from table for xml path(''Row'')) + </Location></File_name>'''