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Bubble sort a linklist template

I am trying to sort a linked list. I am having problems with const. It wont let me assign to a variable that is const which is what it suppose to do. However, I dont' know how to work around this? I would appreciate any help I could get.

This is all in one header file, the sort function is also, I will try to pull it out so it's easy to find:

void LinkedList<T>::BubleSort()

T temp;
ListElement<T>* cur = head;

    const ListElement<T>* forward = head->Next();


        if(cur->Datum() > forward->Datum())

                  temp = cur->Datum();
                  cur->Datum() = forward->Datum();
                  forward->Datum() = temp;


The errors I get

error C3892: 'cur' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const while compiling class template member function 'void LinkedList::BubleSort(void)' see reference to class template instantiation 'LinkedList' being compiled

of course if its const I can't do this, I just don't know how to get around this.

Here is the header file where all the info is and the sort function:

#include  <typeinfo>

template <class T>
class LinkedList;

template <class T>
class ListElement
T datum;
ListElement* next;

ListElement (T const&, ListElement*);
T const& Datum () const;
ListElement const* Next () const;

friend class    LinkedList<T>;  

template <class T>
class LinkedList
ListElement<T>* head;
ListElement<T>* tail;
LinkedList ();
~LinkedList ();

LinkedList (LinkedList const&);
LinkedList& operator = (LinkedList const&);

ListElement<T> const* Head () const;
ListElement<T> const* Tail () const;
bool IsEmpty () const;
T const& First () const;
T const& Last () const;

void BubleSort();
void Prepend (T const&);
void Append (T const&);
void Extract (T const&);
void Purge ();
void InsertAfter (ListElement<T> const*, T const&);
void InsertBefore (ListElement<T> const*, T const&);

template <class T>
ListElement<T>::ListElement (
T const& _datum, ListElement<T>* _next) :
datum (_datum), next (_next)

template <class T>
T const& ListElement<T>::Datum () const
{ return datum; }

template <class T>
ListElement<T> const* ListElement<T>::Next () const
{ return next; }

template <class T>
LinkedList<T>::LinkedList () :
head (0),
tail (0)

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::Purge ()
while (head != 0)
ListElement<T>* const tmp = head;
head = head->next;
delete tmp;
tail = 0;

template <class T>
LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList ()
{ Purge (); }

template <class T>
ListElement<T> const* LinkedList<T>::Head () const
{ return head; }

template <class T>
ListElement<T> const* LinkedList<T>::Tail () const
{ return tail; }

template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::IsEmpty () const
{ return head == 0; }

template <class T>
T const& LinkedList<T>::First () const
if (head == 0)
    throw std::domain_error ("list is empty");
return head->datum;

template <class T>
T const& LinkedList<T>::Last () const
if (tail == 0)
    throw std::domain_error ("list is empty");
return tail->datum;

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::BubleSort()

T temp;
ListElement<T>* cur = head;
const ListElement<T>* forward = head->Next();


        if(cur->Datum() > forward->Datum())

          temp = cur->Datum();
          cur->Datum() = forward->Datum();
          forward->Datum() = temp;


template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::Prepend (T const& item)
ListElement<T>* const tmp = new ListElement<T> (item, head);
if (head == 0)
tail = tmp;
head = tmp;

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::Append (T const& item)
ListElement<T>* const tmp = new ListElement<T> (item, 0);
if (head == 0)
head = tmp;
tail->next = tmp;
tail = tmp;

template <class T>
LinkedList<T>::LinkedList (LinkedList<T> const& linkedList) :
head (0),
tail (0)
ListElement<T> const* ptr;
for (ptr = linkedList.head; ptr != 0; ptr = ptr->next)
Append (ptr->datum);

template <class T>
LinkedList<T>& LinkedList<T>::operator = (
LinkedList<T> const& linkedList)
if (&linkedList != this)
Purge ();
ListElement<T> const* ptr;
for (ptr = linkedList.head; ptr != 0; ptr = ptr->next)
    Append (ptr->datum);
return *this;

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::Extract (T const& item)
ListElement<T>* ptr = head;
ListElement<T>* prevPtr = 0;
while (ptr != 0 && ptr->datum != item)
prevPtr = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
if (ptr == 0)

    throw std::invalid_argument ("item not found");

if (ptr == head)
head = ptr->next;
prevPtr->next = ptr->next;
if (ptr == tail)
tail = prevPtr;
delete ptr;

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::InsertAfter (
ListElement<T> const* arg, T const& item)
ListElement<T>* ptr = const_cast<ListElement<T>*> (arg);
if (ptr == 0)

throw std::invalid_argument ("invalid position");
ListElement<T>* tmp = new ListElement<T> (item, ptr->next);
ptr->next = tmp;
if (tail == ptr)

tail = tmp;

template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::InsertBefore (
ListElement<T> const* arg, T const& item)
ListElement<T>* ptr = const_cast<ListElement<T>*> (arg);
if (ptr == 0)

throw std::invalid_argument ("invalid position");
ListElement<T>* const tmp = new ListElement<T> (item, ptr);
if (head == ptr)

head = tmp;
ListElement<T>* prevPtr = head;
while (prevPtr != 0 && prevPtr->next != ptr)
    prevPtr = prevPtr->next;
if (prevPtr == 0)

throw std::invalid_argument ("invalid position");
prevPtr->next = tmp;


  • Sorting the list is a non-const operation; you can't do it with const accessors only. The usual solution is to overload the accessors with a const and a non-const variant:

    ListElement const* Next() const { return next; }
    ListElement* Next() { return next; }

    You'd do the same thing for the accessor functions in your LinkedList class (unless you want to make the list immutable, of course).