I have the following n-ary function I defined:
(define (- . l)
(cond ((null? l) 0)
(else (b- (car l) (apply - (cdr l))))))
It works fine for two arguments, but anymore and it starts to add numbers in a strange way and I don't understand why.
Alternatively, I have a check implemented in a different version of this function in case there is only one argument:
(define (- . l)
(cond ((null? (cdr l)) (b- (b* l 2) l))
(else (b- (car l) (apply - (cdr l))))))
This second one does not work at all when I change the first condition.
Input should be something like (- 10 6 1)
I assume that b-
is a binary subtraction, and that you want to mimic the usual subtraction of Scheme, which is a function such that:
Here is a possibile solution (note that I've called the function n-
(define (n- . l)
(define (aux l dec)
(if (null? l)
(aux (cdr l) (b- dec (car l)))))
(cond ((null? l) (println "Error"))
((null? (cdr l)) (b- 0 (car l)))
(else (aux (cdr l) (car l)))))
(n-) ; => Error
(n- 3) ; => -3
(n- 10 6 1) ; => 3
(n- 11 4 8 2) ; => -3
The auxiliary function subtracts all the numbers from the list first argument to its second argument, and it is defined as a tail recursive function, so that it can be implemented in an iterative way.